Intro to Cryptography
Transposition Ciphers #
- The transposition cipher is simply rearranging the message’s symbols.
- Each key creates a new ordering of letters.
- A common way of doing this shifting is the Columnar Transposition algorithm —>
- In ancient Greece, a tool called the was used to perform a transposition cipher. A message is written on a strip of parchment, which is then wound around a cylinder.
- Anagrams are a type of Transposition.
- Since Transposition involves only changing the ordering of the letters of a word, it is limited.
Substitution Ciphers #
- Substitution ciphers involve completely changing each letter in a plaintext to a different letter in the alphabet using the key.
- Due to the fact that a letter can be changed to any other letter simply according o the key, there many subsets of ciphers that fall under the umbrella of Substitution ciphers.
Shifting Ciphers #
- A simple shifting cipher involves shifting each letter in the plaintext to another letter in the alphabet according to shift key. e.g. C(2) + 4 = F(6)
- Most famous of all shifting ciphers is the renown Caesar’s cipher.
- Each ciphertext letter is “the sum” of the plaintext letter and the shift value:
$$ C_i = M_i + K \mod 26 $$
Affine Ciphers #
A different version of the shifting cipher is the multiplicative cipher. The multiplicative cipher is like Caesar but uses multiplication instead of addition.
The affine cipher combines the multiplicative cipher and the Caesar cipher.
An important mathematical function to understand for affine cipher is modular arithmetic.
Modular Arithmetic
- Modular arithmetic - aka clock arithmetic - is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers “wrap around” upon reaching a certain value—the modulus. e.g. 17 % 12 = 5
Greatest Common Divisor
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers is their largest posi<ve integer that divides each of the integers.
For example, the GCD of 24 and 30 is 6 because their common factors are: 1, 2, 3, 6.
Prime numbers have only two factors: 1 and n
Two numbers are called relatively prime (or coprime) if their GCD equals 1.
Euclid’s algorithm for GCD
def gcd(a, b): while a != 0 a, b = b % a, a return b
Valid Keys
Not all numbers will work as a key for multiplicative ciphers.
The Key and the alphabet size must be coprime.
$$ C_i = M_i * K \mod 26 $$
Encrypting Affine Cipher
- The affine cipher has two keys: A, and B
$$ C_i = (M_i*A)+B \mod 26 $$
Decrypting Affine Cipher
Reversing an affine cipher requires the usage of a modular inverse
$$ M_i= [(C_i-B)* modInv(A)] \mod 26 $$
A modular inverse of A modulo N is X such that:
$$ (X * A) \mod N = 1 $$
To fine a modular inverse, use Euclid’s extended algorithm.
Note: because A and N cannot be co-prime, the number of different keys is less than N
Example: Suppose that you found out that S→I and K→M
$$ (8A+B)\mod 26 = 18 \ (12A+B) \mod 26 = 10 \ (8-12)A + (B-B) \mod 26 = 8 \ -4A \mod 26 = 8 \ A \mod 26 = -2 \ A = 24 \ (8A+B) \mod 26 = 18 \ 192 + B \mod 26 = 18 \ B \mod 26 = -174(+104[264]) \ B \mod 26 = -70 (+78[26*3]) \ B = 8 \
Mono-alphabetic Substitution Ciphers #
- The number of possible keys in a substitution cipher is:
$$ 26! = 4.00*10^{10} $$
Impossibly long time to brute force. But is suspect to frequency analysis
- Match relative letter frequencies in ciphertext to those in a large plain text
- letter doubles: ss ee tt ff ll mm oo
- Frequent bigrams: th er he
- Trial and error with guess words
Pattern equivalence
- Word substrings are pattern-equivalent if there exists a monoalphabetic substitution that transforms one into the other. e.g. ‘will’ is p-equivalent to ‘jazz’ but not ‘said’
Vigenere Cipher #
The idea of the Vigenere Cipher is to use a different key for each letter of the message.
Unlike substitution cipher, the Vigenere cipher cannot be easily broken by frequency analysis.
The Vigenere cipher is like Caesar cipher, but with multiple keys/shifts
$$ C_i = (M_i + K_i) \mod 26 $$
Cracking Vigenere #
Find key length with repeated n-gram offsets
$$ \textbf{THE}DOGAND\textbf{THE}CAT \ \ (plaintext)\ ABCDEFGHIABCDEF (key) \ \textbf{TIG}GSLGUL\textbf{TIG}FEY (ciphertext) $$
Kasiski Examination looks at the repetition of those n-grams and distance between the recurrence of said n-grams
For each substring, find shift by calculating the match score (or visually)
William Friedman
Find key length with Index of Coincidence
For each substring, find shift with Index of Mutual Coincidence (IMC)
Index of Coincidence:
- It is the probability that two randomly selected letters from a ciphertext will be the same
$$ IC = \frac{\sum_{i=A}^{i=Z}c_i(c_i -1)}{N(N-1)} $$
- It measures the “flatness” of the frequency distribution
- IC does not change if you apply a substitution cipher!
Index of Mutual Coincidence:
The probability that two randomly selected letters from two texts x and y will be the same.
$$ IC = \frac{\sum_{i=A}^{i=Z}c_i^x . c_i^y}{N_x . N_y} = \sum_{i=A}^{i=Z}f_i^x . f_i^y \ where \ f_i^x = c_i^x/N_x $$
Public key & RSA #
DHM is based on the idea of one-way function
Alice and Bob first publicly agree on a modulus p ****and base g
Fermat’s Little Theorem #
If p is prime, then for any a, (a^p) - a is a multiple of p:
$$ a^p \ mod(p) = a, \ (i.e. \ a^{p-1}\ mod(p)=1) $$
This theorem is used for Fermat’s primality test
- We want to test if p is prime
- Pick a random a in the range [2, p-1]
- Does a^p mod p = a, hold?
- If it does, then p is probably prime
- Else, p is a composite
RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) #
- To convert text into integer, consider
- T ⇒ text to be enciphered
- S ⇒ list of symbols
$$ M = \sum_{i=0}^{i=len(T)}{S(T_i)*len(S)^i} $$
To convert back each letter
$$ T_{i}=\frac{M_i}{len(S)^i} \ M_{i+1}=M_imod(len(S)^i) $$
Why We Can’t Hack the Public Key Cipher #
All the different types of cryptographic attacks we’ve used in this book are useless against the public key cipher when it’s implemented correctly. Here are a few reasons why:
- The brute-force attack won’t work because there are too many possible keys to check.
- A dictionary attack won’t work because the keys are based on numbers, not words.
- A word pattern attack won’t work because the same plaintext word can be encrypted differently depending on where in the block it appears.
- Frequency analysis won’t work because a single encrypted block represents several characters; we can’t get a frequency count of the individual characters.
Quantum Cryptography #
Stephen Wiesner’s idea of measuring photon polarization with Polaroid filters