Intro to Cryptography

Transposition Ciphers #

  • The transposition cipher is simply rearranging the message’s symbols.
  • Each key creates a new ordering of letters.
  • A common way of doing this shifting is the Columnar Transposition algorithm —>
  • In ancient Greece, a tool called the was used to perform a transposition cipher. A message is written on a strip of parchment, which is then wound around a cylinder.
  • Anagrams are a type of Transposition.
  • Since Transposition involves only changing the ordering of the letters of a word, it is limited.


Substitution Ciphers #

  • Substitution ciphers involve completely changing each letter in a plaintext to a different letter in the alphabet using the key.
  • Due to the fact that a letter can be changed to any other letter simply according o the key, there many subsets of ciphers that fall under the umbrella of Substitution ciphers.


Shifting Ciphers #

  • A simple shifting cipher involves shifting each letter in the plaintext to another letter in the alphabet according to shift key. e.g. C(2) + 4 = F(6)
  • Most famous of all shifting ciphers is the renown Caesar’s cipher.
  • Each ciphertext letter is “the sum” of the plaintext letter and the shift value:

$$ C_i = M_i + K \mod 26 $$

Affine Ciphers #

  • A different version of the shifting cipher is the multiplicative cipher. The multiplicative cipher is like Caesar but uses multiplication instead of addition.

  • The affine cipher combines the multiplicative cipher and the Caesar cipher.

  • An important mathematical function to understand for affine cipher is modular arithmetic.

  • Modular Arithmetic

    • Modular arithmetic - aka clock arithmetic - is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers “wrap around” upon reaching a certain value—the modulus. e.g. 17 % 12 = 5
  • Greatest Common Divisor

    • The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers is their largest posi<ve integer that divides each of the integers.

    • For example, the GCD of 24 and 30 is 6 because their common factors are: 1, 2, 3, 6.

    • Prime numbers have only two factors: 1 and n

    • Two numbers are called relatively prime (or coprime) if their GCD equals 1.

    • Euclid’s algorithm for GCD

      def gcd(a, b):      
        while a != 0 
          a, b = b % a, a       
        return b


  • Valid Keys

    • Not all numbers will work as a key for multiplicative ciphers.

    • The Key and the alphabet size must be coprime.

      $$ C_i = M_i * K \mod 26 $$

  • Encrypting Affine Cipher

    • The affine cipher has two keys: A, and B

    $$ C_i = (M_i*A)+B \mod 26 $$

  • Decrypting Affine Cipher

    • Reversing an affine cipher requires the usage of a modular inverse

      $$ M_i= [(C_i-B)* modInv(A)] \mod 26 $$

    • A modular inverse of A modulo N is X such that:

      $$ (X * A) \mod N = 1 $$

    • To fine a modular inverse, use Euclid’s extended algorithm.

    • Note: because A and N cannot be co-prime, the number of different keys is less than N

    • Example: Suppose that you found out that S→I and K→M

      $$ (8A+B)\mod 26 = 18 \ (12A+B) \mod 26 = 10 \ (8-12)A + (B-B) \mod 26 = 8 \ -4A \mod 26 = 8 \ A \mod 26 = -2 \ A = 24 \ (8A+B) \mod 26 = 18 \ 192 + B \mod 26 = 18 \ B \mod 26 = -174(+104[264]) \ B \mod 26 = -70 (+78[26*3]) \ B = 8 \

    Mono-alphabetic Substitution Ciphers #

    • The number of possible keys in a substitution cipher is:

    $$ 26! = 4.00*10^{10} $$

    • Impossibly long time to brute force. But is suspect to frequency analysis


    • Cryptanalysing

      • Match relative letter frequencies in ciphertext to those in a large plain text
      • letter doubles: ss ee tt ff ll mm oo
      • Frequent bigrams: th er he
      • Trial and error with guess words
    • Pattern equivalence

      • Word substrings are pattern-equivalent if there exists a monoalphabetic substitution that transforms one into the other. e.g. ‘will’ is p-equivalent to ‘jazz’ but not ‘said’

    Vigenere Cipher #

    • The idea of the Vigenere Cipher is to use a different key for each letter of the message.

    • Unlike substitution cipher, the Vigenere cipher cannot be easily broken by frequency analysis.

    • The Vigenere cipher is like Caesar cipher, but with multiple keys/shifts


    $$ C_i = (M_i + K_i) \mod 26 $$

    Cracking Vigenere #

    • Babbage/Kasiski/Sweigart

      • Find key length with repeated n-gram offsets

        $$ \textbf{THE}DOGAND\textbf{THE}CAT \ \ (plaintext)\ ABCDEFGHIABCDEF (key) \ \textbf{TIG}GSLGUL\textbf{TIG}FEY (ciphertext) $$

        • Kasiski Examination looks at the repetition of those n-grams and distance between the recurrence of said n-grams


      • —For each substring, find shift by calculating the match score (or visually)


    • William Friedman

      • Find key length with Index of Coincidence —

      • For each substring, find shift with Index of Mutual Coincidence (IMC)

      • Index of Coincidence:

        • It is the probability that two randomly selected letters from a ciphertext will be the same

        $$ IC = \frac{\sum_{i=A}^{i=Z}c_i(c_i -1)}{N(N-1)} $$

        • It measures the “flatness” of the frequency distribution
        • IC does not change if you apply a substitution cipher!
      • Index of Mutual Coincidence:

        • The probability that two randomly selected letters from two texts x and y will be the same.

          $$ IC = \frac{\sum_{i=A}^{i=Z}c_i^x . c_i^y}{N_x . N_y} = \sum_{i=A}^{i=Z}f_i^x . f_i^y \ where \ f_i^x = c_i^x/N_x $$

Public key & RSA #


  • DHM is based on the idea of one-way function

  • Alice and Bob first publicly agree on a modulus p ****and base g


Fermat’s Little Theorem #

  • If p is prime, then for any a, (a^p) - a is a multiple of p:

    $$ a^p \ mod(p) = a, \ (i.e. \ a^{p-1}\ mod(p)=1) $$

  • This theorem is used for Fermat’s primality test

    1. We want to test if p is prime
    2. Pick a random a in the range [2, p-1]
    3. Does a^p mod p = a, hold?
      1. If it does, then p is probably prime
      2. Else, p is a composite

RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) #

  • To convert text into integer, consider
    • T ⇒ text to be enciphered
    • S ⇒ list of symbols

$$ M = \sum_{i=0}^{i=len(T)}{S(T_i)*len(S)^i} $$

  • To convert back each letter

    $$ T_{i}=\frac{M_i}{len(S)^i} \ M_{i+1}=M_imod(len(S)^i) $$


Why We Can’t Hack the Public Key Cipher #

All the different types of cryptographic attacks we’ve used in this book are useless against the public key cipher when it’s implemented correctly. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. The brute-force attack won’t work because there are too many possible keys to check.
  2. A dictionary attack won’t work because the keys are based on numbers, not words.
  3. A word pattern attack won’t work because the same plaintext word can be encrypted differently depending on where in the block it appears.
  4. Frequency analysis won’t work because a single encrypted block represents several characters; we can’t get a frequency count of the individual characters.

Quantum Cryptography #

  • Stephen Wiesner’s idea of measuring photon polarization with Polaroid filters


Assignments Review #

Assignment 1 #